Sustainable Accommodation Policy

Our sustainable accommodation policy emphasizes our commitment to eco-friendly lodging options that support environmental conservation and social responsibility. We prioritize accommodations that implement energy-efficient practices, promote local culture, and contribute to the well-being of their communities.
Our company is committed to promoting sustainable accommodation.
The sustainability of an accommodation establishment is of key importance, as it enables our company to extend sustainability practices throughout, as a core element in our tours/supply chain. It is our policy to recommend to our clients the most sustainable accommodation options within their budget range. We give strong preference to establishments that follow sustainable practices throughout all aspects of their operation.
This policy will be part of the Sustainability Policy. The policy is applicable to the selection of accommodation suppliers that our company collaborates with. This policy is effective immediately after approval by the Managing Director and circulation to staff. The policy will be formally reviewed every 2 years to ensure its relevancy. The Managing Director or General Manager will approve any deviations to this policy.
Sustainable accommodation principles
In our effort to select the most sustainable accommodation providers available, we prefer establishments that follow these core principles:
1. The right comfort for the right price
The establishment is hygienic, sanitary, and safe and is able to offer good comfort and service to the expectations of our clients. Sustainable accommodation practices can be found in all price ranges; hence we aim to identify the most sustainable options available within the budget of our clients.
2. Fair business
The establishment follows fair business practices, including transparency and adherence to law, human rights and economic/social equity, and environmental and animal protection.
3. Minimizes impact on the environment and society
The establishment places high priority on sustainable practices, aiming at minimizing their effect on the surrounding environment and society.
General sustainability considerations
Internationally certified accommodation currently is not many in India, however there are establishments that are known for their good practices. Sustainable practices can be found in all budget ranges. Hence our company mainly looks at their practices to identify the more responsible suppliers.
Evaluations of the accommodation by our company can be made in several ways:
The following considerations will be made in the evaluation of accommodation establishments and will inform our company preference:
Human care
We aim to work with establishments with sound care for their human resources, which is of key importance to the hospitality sector. Hence, we assess if the establishment provides good labor conditions for their staff (minimum wage, reasonable work times, proper lunch hours, etc.).
No plastic policy
The accommodation minimizes the use of plastic and as a common practice does not offer plastic water bottles to its guests. Instead, the establishment makes available places where guests can re-fill jugs that are provided in the room and their own bottles.
Waste management
We verify that the accommodation separates at least organic waste for composting and plastic for recycling. Establishments that are able to go beyond these basic waste management practices will be highly preferred.
Energy efficiency
The establishment follows energy efficiency practices, such as energy-saving light bulbs, and energy-efficient equipment. The accommodation provider advises their guests (e.g. through signs in the rooms and hallways) to switch off lights and electric appliances when not in use or has put in place an overall switch-off plan (automated system).
Water efficiency
The accommodation efficiently uses water. Places with a water-saving system on their ‘western’ toilet and shower will be preferred over others. Places that make use of a bucket flush for the toilet and/or bucket shower also have clear control over the amount used.
Child protection
The establishment ensures that the rights of children are respected and safeguarded. If the supplier employs children below the age of 14, the business should ensure that there are special working conditions put in place to safeguard them (for example part-time or on an internship basis).
Local supplies
Accommodations are encouraged to purchase and use local food products, which are produced based on fair trade and sustainability principles.
Biodiversity care
The accommodation limits their negative effect on local and global biodiversity wherever feasible (e.g. do not offer red-listed species on the menu).
Authentic charm
The accommodation building (exterior and/or interior) incorporates elements of local art, architecture, or cultural heritage.
Community value
The establishment respects the intellectual property rights of local communities and contributes to the local community in whichever way they can (e.g. sponsoring local events, and donating to local heritage sites).
Stimulating enhanced sustainable practice
Our company follows a long-term strategy to improve the sustainability of regular accommodation suppliers. Upon request or self-initiative, we support collaborative initiatives with other tour operators and/or stakeholders to promote sustainability among accommodations in our destinations.
When possible, we talk to the accommodation owner/manager about their current practices and what they could do to follow more sustainable practices (e.g. by a visit from our manager or through our guides).
In addition, we may share best practice standards and guidance with our accommodation suppliers, including:
If it is revealed that an accommodation supplier acts on unsustainable practices, our company will give them a warning. If that supplier does not amend its practice, our company will end any form of collaboration (informal and contractual) and will blacklist that company from any further association.
Communication to accommodation providers
Our company communicates with accommodation establishments in various ways.
Our most common communication is via email and phone. Particularly when sending emails, we are able to communicate on some sustainability aspects.
Once our booking is made, we supply the accommodation suppliers with a voucher to claim their payment. With our regular suppliers, we have agreed to send this voucher via email, to avoid paper waste.
We sign contracts with accommodation suppliers that we work with on a regular basis and with a sufficient volume of clients. These contracts include an overview of our codes of conduct and sanctions, which the suppliers read and sign upon agreement.
In-person visit
When we have the opportunity, we visit the accommodation in person and talk to them about how they could improve on their services and become more sustainable. In many instances, it is our guides who deliver these messages.
What we communicate
Our company promotes as a mandatory policy:
Our company will give preference to working with those accommodation establishments who are able to operate in a sustainable manner, taking responsibility for their impact on the environment and society. Where we have enough volume, we may offer additional benefits, such as marketing the hotel on our website or special contract conditions.
Sample E-mail text
Dear Accommodation Partner,
We would like to share with you the progress of our Travelife Sustainability Program, which shall result in a more responsible practice of our travel and tour operations and contribute to more sustainable tourism in India overall. We would like to actively involve you in the long-term progress of getting more sustainable tourism in our country.
We therefore kindly ask you to respect and comply with our Sustainability Code of Conduct attached herewith for your signature.
If you are interested in receiving further information about sustainability in the hospitality sector to give you more ideas on what you could do, please let us know so we can send you some documentation.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Yours sincerely,
Mr. Ivon Murugesan
Sustainability Co-ordinator
Date: 20-092024
Sample Contract
Contractual Agreement
MPM Travel XS Pvt Ltd
No.123 East Raja Street,
Mr. Charles Prince (General Manager)
[The accommodation, address, contact person]
Herein after referred to as ‘the parties’
[The accommodation] has expressed an interest to host guests through booking by MPM Travel XS Pvt Ltd and serve these guests with proper hospitality care and under conditions of sustainability, and MPM Travel XS Pvt Ltd has expressed a wish to offer the accommodation to their clients on a non-exclusive basis and under conditions of sustainability.
The purpose of this contractual agreement is to establish cooperation between the parties and highlight general terms and conditions as well as a sustainability code of conduct.
General terms and conditions
The general terms and conditions are agreed as follows:
1. The parties agree to abide by the administrative details relating to the supplies of vouchers, pricing, payment of money, and other matters as set out in this agreement and it is expressly agreed that [the accommodation] may give written notice of any amendments thereof provided always that [the accommodation] shall use its best endeavors to give MPM Travel XS Pvt Ltd not less than four weeks prior written notice.
2. [The accommodation] agrees to provide information and support to MPM Travel XS Pvt Ltd as they may from time to time reasonably require and in particular:
3. MPM Travel XS Pvt Ltd agrees and undertakes:
Rate positioning and vouchers
4. [The accommodation] commits to the following pricing offers for the period of this contractual agreement:
5. Beyond these standard agreed rates, special (e.g. seasonal) packages/rates may be agreed upon between the parties on an ad-hoc basis and also will be covered under the conditions of this contract.
6. [The accommodation] agrees that at all times rates available over the internet will be at least 15% higher than the net rates provided to MPM Travel XS Pvt Ltd.
7. Vouchers will only be provided digitally and will be supplied to the supplier by email.
8. All vouchers cover the cost of the bed, breakfast (where indicated), VAT (where applicable), and amenities.
9. It is recommended that MPM Travel XS Pvt Ltd should not mark up the selling price of any net rate by more than 25% in the local currency equivalent.
10. All payments by MPM Travel XS Pvt Ltd will be held in a separate trust account pending a claim by [the accommodation] after the date of stay.
Rate consistency and cancellation
11. Rates issued in this contract remain valid for the duration of the stated rate validity period.
12. Only rate reductions will be accepted once the contract has been submitted, no increases.
13. This contract will follow the standard cancellation policy as follows:
14. Reservations shall only be held until 6 pm on the day of arrival. If guests intend to arrive
later than 6 pm, the accommodation supplier must be informed. Failing this, the
accommodation supplier reserves the right to re-let the room(s).
In pursuit of sustainable tourism operations, the following agency terms apply to the
Sustainability code of conduct
As part of our long-term collaboration, MPM Travel XS Pvt Ltd and [name of supplier] agree to jointly pursue and promote sustainable business practices with the aim of developing more sustainable tourism in India. These terms and conditions are an integral part of our collaboration, and main contract if any.
Terms and conditions
1. Social welfare and human rights
1.1 The supplier shall follow fair business practices, including transparency and adherence to national law and regulation.
1.2 The supplier shall respect human rights and economic/social equity by establishing fair labor conditions for its staff and providing equal opportunities.
1.3 The supplier shall ensure that all employees are free to enter and terminate their employment without penalty and in accordance with the employment contract.
1.4 The supplier shall ensure that its activities do not jeopardize the provision or integrity of basic services to its neighboring communities, such as soil, food, water, energy, health care, or public space.
1.5 The supplier shall respect and safeguard the rights of children, which in the context of India means:
2. Socio-cultural conditions
2.1 The supplier shall purchase and use local food products, which are produced based on fair trade and sustainability principles
2.2 The supplier shall respect and maintain elements of local art, architecture, or cultural heritage within its premises.
2.3 The supplier shall not sell or promote souvenirs that contain historic or archeological value, except as permitted by law.
3. Environment and biodiversity
3.1 The supplier shall minimize their impact on the environment by reducing plastic, using energy and water efficiently, and ensuring proper waste management.
3.2 The supplier shall ensure that animal-related activities, if any, are operated within proper internationally accepted animal welfare conditions.
3.3 The supplier shall limit their negative effect on local and global biodiversity.
4. Monitoring and sanctions
4.1 The supplier shall fully cooperate with the sustainability terms and conditions of this contract and shall allow and support on-site inspections by our company or appointed third party to monitor compliance with sustainability conditions.
4.2 In case of clear evidence that the accommodation jeopardizes the provision or integrity of basic services such as food, water, energy, healthcare, or soil to the neighboring communities it can be a reason to terminate this contract.
4.3 Our company will end this contractual agreement prematurely if the accommodation supplier does not take adequate measures to prevent (1) corruption and bribery, and (2) sexual exploitation of children. This contractual agreement will take effect upon its signatures.
In witness whereof, we sign this agreement in twofold: