From Singapore to India: A culinary and cultural journey

As a little sapling, I grew out of the Singapore soil, nourished by the love and support of my family and friends. It is in Vancouver, Canada, that I grew great big branches in my attempt to touch the sky. While all that took me a good 30 years, I had my roots growing deep and strong in India.

My grandparents were from India. With such a close temporal connection, we didn’t really lose touch with her beautiful culture. Festivals and the celebrations around them were always special times at home. After I moved to Canada, it didn’t take me too long to open Chutney Villa, a South Indian restaurant where I taught many people the pleasure of peeling a nice chunk of dosa with their hand, dunking it in hot dhal and popping it into the mouth. The appreciation I received for the food I know so well encouraged me to plan a culinary tour to India and my love affair with this charming country continues to date.

You hear about the towering Himalayas, breathtaking palaces, the backwaters of Kerala, and all of her other natural splendor. What you don’t hear about too often are little details about how they welcome their guests, the warmth of the people, the inclusive nature of the culture, the respect they show each other, and the amazing levels of tolerance and acceptance they have.

The food scene here is unbelievable. The sheer size of this country and the fact that it is so densely populated gives us that many different dishes to try. The spice capital of the world seldom disappoints us.I have been charmed by this country enough to have moved in here. I always told people to go to India with a clear mind, with no expectations. You will be surprised by the number of wonderful colors it will paint your mind with.

Chindi Varadarajulu, India

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